Two people are sitting against a stone wall on a cliff, overlooking a vast landscape with greenery and mountains in the distance.
Three people are operating a makeshift ferry transporting a vehicle across a calm body of water.
An ancient ruin complex surrounded by lush green trees and dense forest with rectangular stone structures at the center of a grassy area.
This image shows an ancient stone structure with intricate carvings, possibly Mayan, with two people standing in front of it under a clear blue sky.
Three people are on grass overlooking ancient ruins; one is taking photographs, another is sitting, and the third stands nearby.


    You can ask to work the hand-cranked ferry yourself as your ride across the Mopan River near the village of San Jose Succotz toward the archeological site of Xunantunich (pronounced “shoo-NAN-too-NICH”). Meaning “Stone Maiden” in Maya, this site from the Classic Period is relatively small and very easy to move around.  El Castillo, the massive 120-foot-high main temple, was built on a leveled hilltop and has a spectacular 360-degree panorama of the Mopan River Valley looking across Belize’s Cayo District and into Guatemala.  On the eastern wall of El Castillo is a reproduction of one of the finest Mayan carvings in Belize—a frieze decorated with jaguar heads, human faces, and abstract geometric patterns telling the story of the Moon’s affair with Morning Light.

    Drive Time from Table Rock: 25 minutes

    Adventure Level: Easy.  This adventure has a short drive via paved highway.  The ruins are built on a flat area and encompass only a small area, so it’s easy to get around the entire site.  To increase the Adventure Level of this trip, try climbing to the top of El Castillo.

    What to Wear & Bring: Shorts or lightweight long pants, shirt, and comfortable walking shoes. Extra water, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and insect repellent are also great to bring along.

    *Restrictions: None.

    Duration: Half-day tour.

    Combinations: Make it a full-day tour by combining this tour with Cahal PechBarton Creek Cave CanoeingCave TubingBig Rock FallsRio On PoolsChechem Ha Cave, Oxmul Coffee & Green Hills Butterfly Farm, Ajaw Chocolate & Cahal Pech, or Ajaw Chocolate & the Iguana Conservation Project


    • Includes licensed guide, transportation to and from the lodge, and entry fees. Does NOT include lunch unless combined with one of the above tours.
    • Minimum two persons
    • 50% cancellation fee applies to any tours booked and then cancelled by the guest less than 24 hours in advance
    • Prices subject to change without notice